Since 1997,
the artists of the compagny have been continuously experimenting with new creations...
Founded in 1997, the eliXir company defines itself as an evolving street theater. It participates in live performances through several artistic practices:
Street theatre in wandering shows.
Multidisciplinary shows displaying techniques borrowed from the worlds of circus, of hip-hop and of cabaret, combining pyrotechnics, magic tricks and juggling...
Customized creations tailored to the specifications of the partnering broadcaster.
45 artists per year
15 permanents artists
Premises of 420sqm in France
More than 200 performances per year: festivals, cities, village festivals, corporate committees, events, Christmas markets, carnivals...
80,000 km traveled annually
Innovative costumes made with materials such as fiber optics
New in 2020: Construction of a 200sqm rehearsal space